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Dean's Office 

Christian Education logo with cross, bible and state image of SC

Dean's Statement 

To the South Carolina Baptist Congress of Christian Education family let me begin by saying thank you for the confidence that you place in me to serve as your Dean. We are looking forward in serving you for the next five years. As the educational arm of the Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention of South Carolina it is our responsibility for equipping students in every aspect of Christian Education.


We will offer a wealth of learning opportunities to help students to grow spiritually and in their work and witness in the body of Christ. We have a selection of more than one hundred fifty (150)classes State and Nationally to equip Christian Education students with the necessary information.


 I remember visiting Dr. Kevin Cosby and the St. Stephen Baptist Church and became captivated with their church theme: “We Are Better Together." The same is true for the South Carolina Baptist Congress of Christian Education as we forge forward as people of God.


Reverend Mitchell Adger, M.Div.

Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.

Dean's Office Staff 

Dr. Marvin Hughes

Assistant Dean 

Mrs. Thelma Ravenell

Office Manager 

Mrs. Barbara Chapman

Assistant Office Manager 

Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.
Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.
Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.

Dr. Zenovia Brown-Frazier 

Ms. Queasha Nelson 

Mr. Victor Wesley 

Technology Expert

Office Assistant 

Technology Expert 

Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.
Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.
Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.

Ms. Rhonda Ravenell 

Office Assistant 

Mrs. Kayla Huggins


Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.
Photos and bios of the leadership team demonstrating their commitment to Christian education and ministry.

Available Downloads 

2024 Certification & Graduation


SCBCCE Teachers'


2025 Church School


 Certification Requirements for

School of Methods

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SCBCCE: Attention President Lucious Dixon

POB 7625 Columbia, SC 29202



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